The Gospel- The Musical

He was jacked. Seriously, he could rip my face off.

I sat at the shoulder press while he (we’ll call him “Bill”) was at the pulley system working every muscle possible in his torso and arms. Muscles I don’t think I have. But there was something that set this guy apart. For many of us, the gym means working out alone while listening to our iPods and not judging people. For Bill, the gym meant a dance session between each set.

Yes. Between each set that he did, Bill would stop, listen to the music, then do some dancing. It was pretty good dancing too (at one point there was an air-guitar involved). His dancing was so joyful, so happy, that I thought it must be worth listening to! So I nonchalantly took my ear buds out, and listened along. I have no idea what the song was, but Bill had succeeded in his mission: he had gotten me to listen.

What are we dancing to?

Jesus said that others would know we follow him by the love that we exude (Jn.12.35). Paul said anyone in Christ is a new creation and that the old has gone (2 Cor. 5.17). The Gospel changes the song we dance to, and as a result, the dance is changed. So if we are truly obeying the Gospel, it will show in our lives.

Are you letting the beauty of the Gospel be beautiful?

God’s message is offensive enough that his people don’t need to make it more so. But we do every day with how we live. We must let the Gospel be offensive to sin and death but beautiful to life and righteousness.

Are you generally bitter? Depressed? Do you overreact at the smallest statement? Are you ungrateful?


What right do we have to be any of those? Instead, we must be like Bill who danced with such joy that he made others wonder what song was playing. Let your life reflect the saving power, the beautiful music of the joy of the Gospel so that others might listen to it’s lyrics.

2 thoughts on “The Gospel- The Musical

  1. Drew Letourneau May 14, 2010 / 07:56

    This is an awesome way of thinking about this! I don’t know how many times I go to school tired and don’t talk to anyone, but this really challenges me to be awake and alert of ways to show God’s love and how His love flows through me.

    • Jakob Guy May 14, 2010 / 10:56

      It’s hard man, but that’s why God has to work in us~ let the Spirit lead in those times!

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